Founded in 1962 as The Lynx Point Siamese Cat Society, the name was changed to The Tabby Pointed Siamese Cat Society in 1966, following breed recognition by G.C.C.F.
The objects of the club are to promote breeding and exhibition of Tabby Pointed Siamese cats, and to offer support and advice, in all matters concerning the breed.

We Offer:
Annual Championship Show - The Tabby Pointed Siamese Cat Society Show.
A journal, and news-sheet yearly, free to members.
Club classes at many shows, with special rosettes to club class winners.
Rosettes offered to Open Class winners, when no Club class is offered.
Special rosettes to member's cats gaining titles.
Kitten register to help members find homes for their kittens.
Social events during the year.

Championship Show 2023

Tabby Point Siamese Rescue

Tabby Point Siamese Kittens for Sale

Cats at Stud

Membership Application Form

A short history of Tabby Points

Pictures of Tabby Pointed Siamese Cats

Club Stall

Links to clubs, breeders and other related sites