If you wish to join the Society please print this form, fill it in and send it with the correct fees to the address below, it you do not know anyone to propose you your vet will be acceptable.

I wish to apply for membership of the Tabby Pointed Siamese Cat Society, and should I be elected, agree to abide by the Rules.


Prefix (if any)

Address 1:

Address 2:

Address 3:

Post Code:

Telephone No.:

E-mail :

Web Page :

Proposed by:


Please give the name of any cat club, on which you are serving as an Officer or Committee member:

Annual Subscription: £5.00 Single £7.00 Joint (two at same address) Life is 10 X the Annual Subscription, available after one years membership.

Please return this form with subscription to The Hon. Secretary.
Mrs E D Jones
The Hawthorns
318 London Road
Essex SS12 0LA
Phone : 01268 766659

Cheques or Postal Orders payable to T.P.S.C.S. Please.
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